Sunday, January 3, 2010

Tips from Daniel Fast Sites...DRINK PLENTY OF WATER!!!

Love those hunger pangs!

So often when we have hunger pangs, we rush for snacks or something that will make it go away. But some little insights about hunger pangs may have you making a different choice.

I love this one: hunger pangs actually mean that your body is using stored fat in our body. So if you want to lose some weight during the Daniel Fast, then welcome those hunger pangs.

Dehydration aften sends a message that "reads" like hunger. So instead of grabbing a snack . . . go for a tall glass of filtered water!

Finally, hunger pangs often pass after a few minutes. So when you sense hunger . . . wait it out.

So a new habit for those of us on the Daniel Fast is to READ THE LABEL so we can learn the ingredients included in the food inside the box, bag, can or jar. We are not so concerned about the nutritional list. But we are very concerned about the ingredients to make sure there are no sweeteners, dairy products or chemicals included in the food.

Remember, this is a fast! It's important to keep in mind that we are on a fast, which is restricting food for spiritual purposes. So while we can eat as much food as we want and any time we want . . . we want to keep in mind that we are fasting.

I encourage people to stick with three modest Daniel Fast meals and one or two small Daniel Fast snacks. The average-sized adult should drink about 1/2 gallon of filtered water each day.

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